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Exercise I: Reading

Sunday 18 August 2013

A Funny Story

Barbara likes funny stories. She likes to hear funny stories. She likes to tell funny stories. She told her mom a funny story. When she finished, she waited for her mom to laugh. "Mom, why aren’t you laughing? That was a funny story," Barbara said. "Oh, I’m sorry," her mom said. "Sometimes you think something is funny, but someone else thinks it isn’t funny." So, Barbara’s mom did not laugh at Barbara’s story. Barbara told the same story to her younger sister. Her younger sister laughed at the story.

Exercise II: Mixed-up Sentence Exercise. Re-arrange the mixed words into a sentence, use the chat box.

Example: hotel | my | slept | i | in | parents | a | and | . | overnight
Answer: My parents and I slept overnight in a hotel.

1. stories hear she does funny ? to like

2. likes stories tell to funny . she

3. . mom her told she story funny a

4. waited mom to her she for laugh .

5. her not story at did mom laugh her .

Exercise III: Questions. Please answer in a complete sentence.

1. What does Barbara like to do?

2. What did Barbara do with her mom? Did her mom laugh?

3. What was her mom's reply when she told that she was telling a funny story?

4. Who else did Barbara told a funny story to?

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